Maximizing Performance through Role Clarity and Versatility

08.03.2024 - 10.03.2024 Sofia

Third seminar of the Business Consultancy & Team Coaching program with Action Methods:

Maximizing Performance through Role Clarity and Versatility: A Workshop on Developing a Robust Roles Repertoire
conducted by Irina Stefanesku, Romania


To discover, display, structure and organize a person’s or an organization’s role repertoire in a functional and healthy way



managers, HR professionals, marketing & PR professionals, team leaders, trainers, team and individual coaches, consultants, teachers, group leaders, social workers, actors, professional speakers, youth workers etc. 



  • role theory (how to teach it to people in organisations)
  • role defining exercises (Max & Lynette Clayton's work)
  • presentation double (also how to teach it)
  • cultural atom / role atom
  • ways to use the cultural atom in: job design, job interview, job contracting, training needs analysis, department / organisation branding, communication strategies

Short description and benefits:

Most people's problems in the professional area originate from professional identity issues: skipped, undeveloped or misunderstood roles. The environment changes fast, companies try to adapt to these changes. So tasks are often changing without a new professional role assignment, negotiation and contracting. 25-50% of the roles composing a modern job are not properly taken and played. Doing a cultural atom at the right moment can save time, energy and money and raise productivity and people’s engagement. We'll practice doing this in a 1:1, a group session and a team session. 

A cultural atom in a branding process leads to a precise positioning.


By the end of this workshop, the participants are able to:

  • define a role
  • concretise the aspects of a role
  • display a social atom (for those new to psychodrama)
  • train other people in defining roles
  • organise the social atom into a cultural atom by defining the attached roles and clustering them
  • sum up to a maximum of 3-4 main roles of the person/group in the cultural atom and help the branding process